The Digitech RP360’s Software Still Sucks, But The Front Panel Works
I’ve given up completely on editing the RP360XP via the Nexus software–it’s just impossibly bad crap, and it creates more problems than it solves.
Fortunately, it turns out that editing the RP360XP via its front panel works fine. What a surprise. The front panel in the previous generation of RPs was okay for minor tweaks, but it would start to go flaky if you edited more than a few patches at a time. The RP360XP’s front panel editing is fully functional, stable, and very precise.
So I’m making good headway now on this device, and I’ll probably finish initial setup on the first set of patches this week. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, Digitech, if you’re really serious about software support for your devices, try making software that works. It can’t be that hard. After all, your competitors have been doing it for years.
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What’s wrong with it? Can you post a video?
Hi Erik, see this post:
Got no time to make a video, I’m sorry to say. Regards, RH
Just read it. Sounds really annoying, but fixable. I hope DigiTech pays attention.
It is indeed annoying. The most annoying thing is that it seems like they’re treating the software as an afterthought. It’s not 2001 anymore; software’s an intrinsic part of the package.
I read a post from a DigiTech rep on The Gear Page that acknowledged that was their old way of thinking but that they were changing their ways. We’ll see!
I’m looking forward to it. The hardware’s about the best value for money out there. It’s past time to bring the software up to that level. and it’s not like they don’t have the talent–SOMEBODY knew what they were doing when the designed and built the OS for that device.
I got my 360XP yesterday. I am super-impressed by the sounds, and after a/b’ing it I think it will more than pay for itself when I sell off my now-redundant pedals. I didn’t expect the distortion to measure up with my favorites but it does.
Having said that I agree with you on the software. I use a Mac, and the Nexus software, while pretty, is frustrating to use.
And that about nails it. That’s what makes it frustrating: they can manage to put a great piece of software inside a metal box, but they can’t manage to do the same inside your computer. The software gets to be more important the more you use the thing, too.