The blues is traditional music. Traditional music is about roots and blooms, and this record is one of the blooms.

This is not a traditional blues harmonica record, though I have certainly drunk from the deep well of blues harp history for some of the sounds here. I’ve also used modern, stage-ready technologies in these performances to put the harmonica in a wide range of new roles within the sonic territory occupied by a blues band. On these tracks you will hear deep layers of harmonica tones that growl, squawk, howl, and pulse with the sound of breath electrified. It’s the sound of a blue future, with 21st century tones and lyrics, blooming from the roots of the blue past and present.

Like it or hate it, probably for the same reasons, but I know for sure that you have never heard anything like it.

Richard Hunter, November 2019

the 21st century blues harmonica manifesto in sound

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the rock harmonica masterpiece

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