Ed Abbiatti, the leader of the great Italian rock band Lowlands, asked me to play on several cuts on his upcoming CD, scheduled for release in early 2012. I did the first sessions in my home studio, using a Line 6 UX2 audio interface and Line 6’s Amp Farm software to do the amp modeling. After Ed heard the tracks, he asked me to lay down a hook riff on one of the pieces too. The only problem was that the deadline was Jan. 21, and by that time I was in Idaho, far from my home recording setup.

Ed Abbiati, Richard Hunter

What I did have with me was the Digitech RP255. I’ve written previously about the fact that the RP devices function pretty well as audio interfaces, and this was the acid test. I set up the 255 with a tough Fender Bassman patch, plugged it into the computer via USB, and set to work.

I’ll cut to the chase: I was very happy with the sound of the tracks I laid down with the RP255, and Ed is too. Of course I couldn’t easily get EXACTLY the same sound on the RP that I got with the Line 6 software, so to make things easier for the mix engineer I re-recorded the entire part, not just the new hook riff. The RP did its job both as an amp modeler and as an audio interface; my audio recording software (Cakewalk Sonar 8.5) was very happy with the RP from the start, and the recording process was utterly glitch-free. It’s even more impressive when you consider how finicky my laptop is when it comes to recording; most of the interfaces I own just can’t operate with the low latency that’s needed for recording against a guide track, but the RP cruised right along.

I don’t think the RP is going to be my go-to computer audio interface, at least not in the immediate future, but it’s nice to know that I can make usable tracks with it when I need to. I’ll ask Ed if I can post a snippet or two of the tracks for all to hear. In the meantime, if you’ve got an RP, you’ve got a decent computer audio recording interface.

Digitech RP355
DigiTech RP355 Guitar Multi-Effects Pedal with USB