Spent a couple of hours yesterday working with the Line 6 Spider V. I am flat out amazed at the sound of the Fender Bassman amp model in that thing. I suppose I shouldn’t be; as I now recall, the Bassman amp model in their Amp Farm and Pod Farm software plugins was great too, and I used it on a lot of recordings. I’m seriously considering putting together a set of patches for the Spider V that are all based on that Bassman amp model (with a few perfectly clean patches for people who like to make sounds that are a little less in-your-face every once in a while).

Spider V Remote screen shot–check out all the vintage Fender amp models

I suppose that a Bassman-only set would be a little insulting to Line 6, given that they apparently strove mightily to include a bunch of other stuff in the Spider V. But MAN that Bassman sounds good. A 120-watt Line 6 Spider V is less than 1/3 the price of a “real” Bassman, and it’s smaller and lighter too. Stay tuned, and let me know what you think: Bassman only patch set = good, or not?

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