Photo by Chiara Meatelli
Photo by Chiara Meatelli
On Sunday, September 20, I’ll be running a harmonica seminar at The Sound Retreat, a new facility in Chester, Connecticut. You can read about the Sound Retreat here. Here’s the skinny on this event:

Famed harmonica virtuoso, educator and harp authority Richard Hunter will be teaching a harmonica workshop at The Sound Retreat on Sunday, September 20th from 11 AM to 3 PM. This workshop is for musicians who have already started with the instrument but need guidance to get to the next level.

The workshop will cover:
-Basic techniques: How you stand and breathe has more of an effect on your sound than you might think. We’re going to spend a little time talking about how to get the most from your body when you play the harp.

-Working with a band: When you play with a band, there’s lots more to think about than when you’re playing solo. We’re going to talk about active listening and the role(s) you play in the band.

-Chord textures: The harmonica can make an amazing variety of chords, and most players can get a lot more out of the instrument by using chording more effectively.

-Alternate tunings and their uses: Did I mention chords? You can make the heavens smile with a few non-standard tunings in your pocket.

-Recording and micing the harmonica: If you play, sooner or later you need to hear yourself coming from a pair of stereo speakers. We’ll talk about recording as a learning tool and as a means to make your work more widely heard, and the tools that work for each.

-Amplification and effects pedals: Get loud. Get into some new roles with the band. Get happy.

I intend to focus heavily on what players need to know to play more effectively with others. There’s an art to playing with other musicians, and we’re going to put a lot of time into that art. I’ll do some playing, and I intend to bring (at least some) seminar attendees up to play as well.

Space is limited to 10 participants so we can make sure everybody gets plenty of attention. The fee for this seminar is $60 if you register after Sunday Sep. 13; until that deadline is past, the fee is $50. If you’re traveling from a far distance to this seminar, we may be able to put you up for a night at the Sound Retreat; let us know if you think you need it. The fee includes a simple lunch. Participants can feel free to record the seminar as audio or video for personal use only. Participants must agree that the material in this seminar is copyrighted, and they can’t share their recordings with anyone else, whether for compensation or otherwise, in any form, via any distribution mechanism including manual ones (such as, for example only: by hand, via email, via Youtube) without prior permission. We will also record this event, and if any participant wants a copy of that recording, we’ll be glad to supply it now or in future for the personal use of that participant.

To register and reserve your seat, follow the ticket purchase link the event page. Please note: a “going” status will not hold your space–you need to register and reserve the seat.

I’ll look forward to seeing you there!